for farmers


Services for Farmers


Property Assesment

Contact us for a free 30 minute phone consultation

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A site visit will allow us to understand your properties unique ecological qualities. We will listen to any specific problems or needs that you may have. Do you have a current soil chemistry test? Do you have a water chemistry test? What are you trying to grow? For example there are very different soil ecosystems needed for kale than for fruit trees. We will ask you about soil drainage and many other factors. We will conduct soil compaction tests with a penetrometer. We will also examine your land visually and take note of what plants are currently growing and what insects and other animals are living there. We will see which weeds may be present. Our aim is to understand the relationship between the above ground and below ground ecosystems of your land.

Soil Tests

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A living soil ecosystem is a balanced community of many players. We will perform a microscopic analysis of your soil organism populations and we will provide you with a data sheet that includes specific numbers and general diversity levels of all the essential soil organisms. Bio mass numbers for bacteria and fungi will be provided as well as numerical counts of flagellates, amoebae, cilliates, nematodes, protozoans, and micro arthropods. In addition we will tell you if we find any potential plant pathogens and and/or detrimental soil organisms.

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Action Plan for No till Farming. Naturally and Easily!

Together we will chart a course of action so that you can quickly begin to see results. Our tools are simple yet powerful. We use our own specifically designed composts and compost products such as microbial soil drenches, and sprayed foliar compost teas. Our compost products are not fertilizers per se, they are rather the vehicle for delivering the specific microbes with which your plants have a symbiotic relationship We then monitor the soil health over time to be certain that all the players are thriving and doing their jobs. We may add further amounts of organisms as the need arises. Also, before transitioning to no till farming, it is important to break up any compaction layers we find as compaction does not allow soil to become fully healthy

Balancing the soil ecosystem is only the first step, together we will come up with a strategy to make the above ground part of no till farming much easier, and less costly., all while getting you higher yields. For example we may suggest using low growing perennial cover crops to reduce your weeding by up to 90%. . We will also examine your current strategy of rotating crops, and recommend that only crops which share the same microbial relationships are grown in the same area of your farm.

Each farmer and each farm is unique. There is no “one size fits all “ method. We can guide you through the process of transforming your property so that you reap the abundance that nature is waiting to share with you.

Contact us for a free 30 minute phone consult