Deepen your Roots
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Ghandhi
We welcome your energy and enthusiasm
We have exciting and challenging projects where you can plug in your talents and energies. Please join us!
Some of our Current Projects
Educational Program Support - Help support our educators by spreading the word about climate, water and soil and how they can work to cool the planet. Help us find audiences and learn the material by heart. Become one of our presenters.
Public Project Installation Help - We are working to establish a number of public, soil Improvement sites around Portland. These sites will feature display boards that outline the life in the soil, as well as illustrating how soil affects climate. After applying bio-complete compost to the test areas, we will monitor root depth, soil carbon levels, water infiltration levels and microbial life counts over time. We would love assistance with everything from graphic arts and tech marketing to hands on work in the soil.
Common Ground Fair - We will spend three days at the Common Ground Country Fair in Unity Maine in September. We would love assistance setting up and running our booth in the Agricultural Demonstration Area. It’s an incredibly inspiring and exhausting event that we highly recommend!